Create a secure, inviting, and nurturing home environment for children and adolescents unable to reside with their parents or families by utilising Ability Assist’s Out of Home Care in Epping.
Create a secure, inviting, and nurturing home environment for children and adolescents unable to reside with their parents or families by utilising Ability Assist’s Out of Home Care in Epping.
Ensure their well-being and growth within a supportive living space designed to foster their development and provide a sense of safety and belonging.
Discover optimal temporary, medium, or long-term living and care solutions for children and adolescents unable to reside in their family homes through Ability Assist. We offer a supportive environment for young victims of abuse, neglect, or disadvantage, tailored to meet their behavioural, emotional, medical, educational, nutritional, mental, and physical needs.
Whether they are placed voluntarily or through a court order, our out-of-home care in Epping offer a secure, inviting, and nurturing home environment. Our dedicated professional carers, well-versed in trauma-informed care, provide comprehensive care and support tailored to the specific needs of these young individuals. This ensures they can lead safer, healthier, more secure, and comfortable lives.
With Ability Assist’s out-of-home care services in Epping, these children and adolescents receive support not only from our highly skilled and experienced professional youth carers but also from fully licensed and qualified child and adolescent care professionals, including doctors, nutritionists, counsellors, psychologists, and educators. Our comprehensive capabilities and resources have established us as a trusted and reliable out-of-home care provider in Epping.
Who do we provide out-of-home care in Epping for?
At Ability Assist, we offer out-of-home care in for young victims of neglect, abuse, or disadvantage who cannot reside at home with their parents or families. These children and adolescents are admitted via a court-mandated order following an investigation, and Child Protection removes them from their family home.
Additionally, these youth can also be admitted voluntarily in situations where a parent, parents, or family cannot provide adequate care or support. They seek assistance from the Department of Family Fairness and Housing (DFFH) or a community service organisation for help and support.
Do These Youth require an NDIS Plan to Access Ability Assist’s Out-of-Home Care Services in Epping?
Youth of all ages, whether supported by the NDIS or not, are eligible for admission into Ability Assist’s out-of-home care in . Consequently, these children and adolescents do not need an NDIS plan to fully benefit from our out-of-home care services in Epping.
In the event that these disadvantaged children and adolescents are voluntarily placed with us through the Department of Family Fairness and Housing (DFFH) or a community service organisation, these entities will assume full responsibility for covering all expenses, including room/board, food, transport, and support staff provided by us.
For at-risk youth admitted into Ability Assist’s out-of-home care in Epping via a court order and brought to us by Child Protection, the Victorian Government and the Department of Family Fairness and Housing (DFFH) will fund all necessary expenses for the care and support of these children and adolescents.